We have many new digital tools available to us. It’s important we a create a way to routinely and professionally communicate with each other. Among everyone. All humans. A network of sorts. This network could have several functions:

To communicate between farms and farmers across expansive regions

To distribute funds proportionally among participants

To progress toward sustainable goals


If we were to create a network, it would be good to maintain a human-to-human connection with one another. One way to stay in touch could be to create a network where we post once a month. We host a crowdfunding campaign each month and in exchange for everyone’s post, distribute funds to each participant and each tier.

The tiers could be farmers, farms, malls, hubs, regions and web. all participants are farmers. each month everyone makes a post and tags a farm. Representatives of farms, make a post about the farm and tag a mall. Reps of malls make a post about the mall and tag a hub. Reps of hubs make a post about the hub and tag a region. Reps of regions make a post about the region and tag the web. The web tallies the posts and distributes funds. A visual could be created to show the interconnected web of posts.

Each tier could have a webpage with public moderators. All expenses could be itemized and publicly displayed. People could post ideas on community projects or events.


Each month, funds could be distributed like this:

(Draw line separated into sections)

Farmers 62%

Farms 24%

Market 8%

Hub 3%

Region 2%

Web 1%

We’re working with two unknowns, an unknown number of people and an unknown amount of funds. These percentages are rounded figures of various proportions of phi. One of the properties of phi, we’ve been talking about is that it enables us to easily separate 1 (or any number for that matter), into reasonable proportions. So whether we’re working with one participant or a thousand participants, or one unit or many units of currency or one unit of currency or a thousand, the distribution ratios remainremain simple to calculate. Okay that’s the general plan, a place to communicate among each other, distribute funds proportionally and share our progress toward sustainable goals.