What is Permaville?

Permaville.org is a social network generally about sustainable living and coexistence. 

Permaville.com is a catalog of sustainable living strategies. 


The Permaville Farm Course is a general introductory course to sustainable living. What to be aware of, the goals, the strategies. The course includes three hours of videos and other resources.


The Permaville Handbook contains many sustainable living strategies to install around the home and yard. Sign up to the Permaville Mailing list and receive a FREE copy of the Permaville Handbook (PDF).


Outline of farmer profiles, farm profiles, farmers markets, malls, hubs, regions and the web.


Act describes a long-term plan in the event any number of participants joined, including a distribution ratio, sustainability index to monitor metrics for sustainability, farm school and league of events.


A list of blogs leading to the start of the Permaville social network

Email list

Join the Permaville email list here:

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