The Permaville Farm Course provides strategies for living off the land. The course follows a book and video course listed for free here. No experience required. In this course you will learn how to: 

  • Build with natural materials
  • Filter water
  • Make compost
  • Grow plants
  • Raise fish, insects and animals
  • Quick steps to start a farm 

The goal of this course is to create a farm plan. General goal to create organic, local, sustainable, economically productive systems on  farms, and larger geographic areas. How can we survive from as close to home as possible and stay connected. 


The Permaville Farm Course here is available for free. If you like the course, you may purchase the course here and leave a review: Permaville Course on Udemy

Course preview
Instructor bio (2020)
Recommended Reading 




Earth and structures

Water and soil

Plants and creatures

