The Permaville Roundtable is an online discussion to connect with other people online and create a farm plan. Members may join a cohort to discuss sustainable solutions and share a farm plan. After the Roundtable, folks may share project updates and stay connected.

8 sessions, 12 people, twice a week, 2-3 hour sessions, 4-6 minutes a person each session. Format may shift as participant’s provide feedback.

Roundtable Sessions

  1. Big picture
  2. Land
  3. Earth water
  4. Soil compost
  5. Plants
  6. Creatures insects
  7. Home
  8. Farm plan + plan of action

Roundtable Questions

  1. What’s going on in the world? What can we do about it?
  2. Describe a piece of land to create a sustainable farm plan. Any sized piece of land. Farm projects may create a farm profile.
  3. What kind of earthworks projects would reduce erosion or make the land more useful? What is the source of water at this site? What types of water or water body projects would work well to store, filter, heat, or recycle water?
  4. Describe the soil, available materials or how you could use compost?
  5. Describe gardens, greenhouses, crops to grow
  6. Describe insects and creatures appropriate, describe how homes, food and water may be provided for the creatures as they go through their lifecycle.
  7. Describe home improvements or new construction, include plans for sanitation, kitchen, electricity
  8. Describe farm plan, create map, describe project list of projects to install by priority. Describe a plan of action, whether farming or some other activity (cooking, exercising, music, etc)

Site analysis 

The Permaville Roundtable discussion follows the Permaville Site Analysis, which follows the Permaville Farm Course. 


Permaville Site analysis in parts:

  • Make site map, with existing and proposed installations
  • General site information/list of projects/materials/resources
  • Plan of action


  • Upon completion of the first Roundtable, participants may register their farm on the Farms page by filling out a Site Analysis for their farm during the Roundtable.

Verification / Registration

Upon attending all sessions and completing a site analysis, participants may earn a Verified Profile and register as a Farmer on Participants may also create a Farm profile.


Roundtables may be cohort-lead discussions. Let’s try having one person speak at a time. Everyone may be kind, thoughtful and respectful during sessions. This will probably be a bit of a learning process finding a good format.

What is Permaculture?

Permaculture isthe study and practice of sustainable living, based on a book by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. Permaville is based on the Permaculture and the Permaculture Design Course. A Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is a 72-hour workshop, outlining strategies on sustainable living.  Thousands of people have completed Permaculture Design Courses around the world. Many websites have advanced permaculture practices.

How is Permaville similar to Permaculture?

Permaville is a registry of people who have completed a Permaville Roundtable. The Permaville Roundtable discussion is a condensed version of a Permaculture Design Course (PDC).

Why are there no instructors for the Permaville Roundtable? 

The format of the Roundtable discussion covers a wide variety of material. With twelve people in a Roundtable discussion, everyone may learn from each other’s experiences. Later Permaville may offer opportunities for people to host courses or other featured content. For initial verification purposes, the described format provides a place to start.

How does Permaville handle finances?

Everything on the site is free. To support Permaville, participants may leave a review on Udemy or make a donation after completing the Roundtable. In the event Permaville generates funds from the site, the site may distribute funds proportionally among participants and farms.