

Natural building simple plain • dirt straw wood grape cane
Shape earth to catch rain • roads paths thru site remain
Water clean locally-based • Sanitation leave no waste
For soil into compost state • Mix green brown water, one month wait

Nursery propagation tricks • Legumes planted nutes they fix
Garden grows from root tip lips • Trees to sky from sun eclipse
Homes for microbes and fungus • plants and creatures human-gus
Flyers swimmers, our youngest • Earthen shell, no winter numbness

In kitchen prepare, ferment • preservin oil, flowers scent
Technology message sent • with points lines machines invent
Economics count the bulbs • berries mushrooms egg lays
Save some, pass it on • for folks in next days

Ethics is bout r’spectin land • bein good to folk
Talk to strangers, friendly hand • remember share the bulk
Planet people profit • with surplus abundant
Whats that cookin, pungent • Fun on farm, becomes redundant

Strategies walk land, peruse • Set goals, with bare feet or shoes
Observe the good news • wake up to more than you use
Separate into parts, make it easy • get ya mental roots
Observe, interact • catch and store energy, fruits 

Obtain a yield • self-regulate, get feedback
Use, value resources, services • Produce no waste, integrate jack
Use small and slow solutions • keep site diverse
Create respond to change • design from pattern to detail then disperse 

Edge effect eco-concept • on edge of natural pattern
Edges of adjacent ecosystems • overlap adapt
Conditions support new species • land/water, forest/grassland
Soil line, bark, edge of pond • beaches, skin, border disputes